Dependency injection with Doctrine - Part 3

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On part 2, we managed to have dependencies injected in Doctrine repositories. This time, we would like to have dependencies injected in Doctrine entities. There are many ways to achieve this.

I keep code samples available on github. Don’t expect that code to work out of the box yet. Do not copy-waste it like an idiot !

Half Repository, Half Factory

Our custom repository need to return Company objects, not CompanyValue objects. We could simply do the following with any find* method:

// AcmeBundle/Model/Entity/Repository/CompanyRepository
class CompanyRepository
    extends EntityRepository
    protected $humanResourcesService;
    public function __construct(
         Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager, 
        $metadata  = $entityManager->getClassMetadata($entityName);
        parent::__construct($entityManager, $metadata);
        $this->humanResourcesService = $humanResources;

    // ... other methods

    public function find($companyId)
        return new Company(parent::find($companyId), $this->humanResourcesService);

This is not a very good solution for many reasons, one of them being that we cannot handle results from QueryBuilder and Query instances. Repositories often provides instances of those two classes in case there is need to paginate the results.

This part may be a bit tricky. It really depends on how the entity repository is intended to be used. As it provides way more flexibility and power without adding much complexity, I would recommend to never use the find* magic methods and use the QueryBuilder and Query objects instead. This post from Benjamin Eberlei provides a really nice start for using a variant of the specification pattern with Doctrine. More so, the data hydrated using the magic methods do not use the same work flow as with DQL. I am far from being a Doctrine-guru, but I don’t like it when there are many ways of doing the same thing.

Back to our business, we need to hydrate a Company object with services and a CompanyValue. To hydrate things, we need a Hydrator.

Right Hydration for a Thirsty Business Model

If you look down in Doctrine’s internals, you should find some hydrators. A hydrator transforms a SQL result set in something else. Doctrine provides an ObjectHydrator but it cannot directly let us inject dependencies in hydrated entities.

Hydrators are provided by the entity manager using the newHydrator($hydrationMode) method where the parameter is the chosen hydrator’s identifier. Unlike the repository factory which was made customizable since Doctrine 2.4, if we want the entity manager to provide hydrators using dependency injection, we will have to make a custom entity manager and overwrite the newHydrator method.

// AcmeBundle/ORM/EntityManager.php

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager as DoctrineEntityManager;

class EntityManager 
    protected $hydratorServices = array();
    public function newHydrator($hydrationMode)
        if (isset($this->hydratorServices[$hydrationMode])) {
            return $this->hydratorServices[$hydrationMode];
        return parent::newHydrator($hydrationMode);
    public function subscribeHydrator($hydrationMode, AbstractHydrator $hydrator)
        $this->hydratorServices[$hydrationMode] = $hydrator;

The subscribeHydrator method will be used by a compiler pass. We adopt exactly the same strategy we used with the repository factory and the subscribeRepository method. There is a draft compiler pass implementation for this purpose on the dedicated Github repository

The hydrators themselves are up to you. I have though of a possible implementation that uses a dedicated factory for creating rich domain entities. I would recommend to extends the ObjectHydrator, overwrite the hydrateAll and hydrateRow methods and use their respective parent:: implementations to get the persistent data. You can find an example implementation of this hydrator in the usual Github repository along with the associated factory interface and an implementation based on object cloning mechanisms.

Tools of the trade

Having the dependency injection wired with Doctrine’s repositories, entities (somewhat) and hydrators should help building a rich domain model in many projects. Remember the Company class example we used in the first post of this trilogy ? We now have the proof that entities returned by Doctrine queries can order pizza. QED as the mathematicians say.

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Charles Bouchard-Légaré is a software developer in Quebec, Canada.

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